Power and Water has begun a $15.4 million upgrade of the Leanyer Sanderson Waste Stabilisation Pond in the Northern Territory to improve the wastewater treatment process and reduce odour.
The inlet works upgrade was approved by the Northern Territory Government in mid-2017 and will improve the integrity of the ponds by removing most of the large solid matter before it enters the system.
Established in 1972, the Leanyer Sanderson Wastewater Stabilisation Ponds treat an average of 15 million litres of domestic and commercial wastewater per day and service around 50,000 customers.
Power and Water’s Senior Executive Manager of Water Services, John Pudney, said the upgrade and best-practice odour control is an integral aspect of the planned improvements for the ponds.
“The community has told us that odour has increased recently and we have identified the cause being the change of season and the preliminary inlet works that are currently underway at the ponds,” Mr Pudney said.
“We understand odour upsets people and we take these concerns seriously.”
The inlet works upgrade is one of a suite of improvements currently underway at the ponds, and Power and Water continues to work closely with the Government to further mitigate odours generated there.
“We are implementing a number of additional odour mitigation improvements, which includes reducing the build up of odorous material, installation of equipment to improve the re-circulation of flows and help cut down the odour build up in the primary ponds, and trialing of surface aeration technology for its effectiveness on reducing odour,” Mr Pudney said.
“The inlet works upgrade will help reduce odour by consolidating the most odorous components of the system at a central location where they can be treated more effectively.
“We expect that the inlet works upgrade and the other activities currently underway will collectively deliver a significant improvement to the way odour is managed on site in the future.”
The inlet works are expected to be completed by the end of 2018.