Townsville City Council has awarded a contract for a $2.1 million project, to replace a water main along Stagpole Street in West End.
Local contractor CivilPlus Construction was awarded the contract, with work expected to begin in November 2021 to replace the pipe, which is nearing its end of life.
Townsville Mayor, Jenny Hill, said Council is committed to upgrading critical water infrastructure across the city to ensure the community continues to receive high-quality service.
“In the 2021/22 Budget, Council dedicated $177 million towards maintaining, upgrading, and delivering water infrastructure and services to the community,” Ms Hill said.
“This investment allows us to prioritise the replacement of mains nearing the end of their operational life and ensure that the city has a secure water supply as our population grows.
“It also supports our local economy by providing ongoing work to businesses such as CivilPlus Construction, and the ten jobs supported by this project alone.”
Townsville Water and Waste Committee chairperson, Russ Cook, said upgrading these pipes would enhance the water services for residents in the area.
“Replacing these water mains in a timely manner minimises the potential for leaks and breaks and allows us to replace them with pipes made of modern materials that will service these areas well into the future,” Mr Cook said.
“Stagpole Street is a well-travelled road in a busy residential area, so to ensure that there are minimal impacts to residents, around 530m of this pipe will be installed using a no-trenching method.
“Council will continue to update the community on potential impacts as the project progresses.”
For more information on projects across the city, visit Current Projects.