
SA Water is welcoming applications for the 2023-24 Community Partnerships Program, with up to $10,000 available for not for profit organisations across South Australia to implement initiatives centred around water.

The program is focused on supporting organisations – based in regional and metropolitan areas of South Australia – deliver events and projects with a focus on water and sustainability, healthy communities or environmental leadership.

SA Water General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation, Nicola Murphy, said previous recipients of the program have delivered fantastic outcomes highlighting the importance of water in everyday life.

“The creation or expansion of community gardens, wetlands development, a tree propagation program for school students and a creek restoration are among the projects we’ve previously supported,” Ms Murphy said.

“One of our 2022-23 partnerships is with grassroots group Bio-R, to establish a watering habitat at Frahns Farm in Monarto, providing a hydration system for a range of native seedlings, and creating an ecosystem for wildlife which are facing extinction due to habitat loss.

In 2022-23 there were over 80 applications from schools and community organisations.

Ms Murphy said SA Water wants to partner with groups that are invested in delivering positive outcomes that align with the utility’s vision to deliver trusted water services for a sustainable and healthy South Australia.

“Water flows through every aspect of sustainable development, and clean water is crucial for public health, food production and healthy ecosystems,” Ms Murphy said.

“It’s important we invest in projects that deliver positive social, environmental, and long-term outcomes, while also promoting community participation, inclusion and cohesion.”

Applications for SA Water’s Community Partnership Program close on 24 March 2023, with funding for successful recipients to be made available from July 2023.

To apply or for more information, visit

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