ACCC Chairman Rod Sims has encouraged debate in order to achieve better regulatory outcomes and reduce regulatory burdens.
Speaking at the ACCC/AER Regulatory Conference in Brisbane, Mr Sims said the conference would challenge regulators on their understanding of good regulatory outcomes.
“Stakeholders can have very different perspectives. The main criticism of the ACCC, in everything we do, is that we don’t do enough and we should have greater powers and be more intrusive. We are constantly trying to explain why this is not the case,” said Mr Sims.
With new reporting requirements and frameworks in place,the conference also focused on what constitutes good regulator performance.
“The new performance reporting requirements under the PGPA Act will increase transparency about the efficiency and effectiveness of regulators such as the ACCC and AER,” said Mr Sims.
“It is based on a clear input-output-outcome framework. That is, what is our funding? What do we ‘produce’ with it? And what do we achieve? How effective are we in enhancing the welfare of all Australians?”
Mr Sims said the ACCC will also be reporting under the new regulator performance framework, which commenced on 1 July.
“The framework establishes six outcomes-based key performance indicators that reflect sound principles of good regulatory practice.”
“If we do these six things well, then we will both reduce the regulatory burden, and make decisions and take regulatory actions that are effective in achieving our statutory objectives.”
The ACCC’s regulatory role covers areas such as airports and aviation, communications, energy (AER), fuel, waterfront and shipping, postal, rail and water markets.
Read the Chairman’s speech online.