Contractors are undertaking geotechnical survey work as part of AGL’s planning for Stage 1 of the Gloucester Gas Project (NSW). The work will focus on the Gloucester area and along the pipeline route.
The survey will provide information about local soil and rock structures, and will be particularly useful in designing project infrastructure including the Central Processing Facility (CPF), Stratford to Tomago pipeline, gathering lines and access tracks in the Stage 1 Gas Field Development Area.
The work is estimated to take approximately six weeks and will involve a 4WD truck-mounted drill rig which will drill around 14 boreholes between two and 13 metres deep. Additionally, crews will use a backhoe or excavator to dig approximately 50 small test pits. All boreholes and test pits will be filled and rehabilitated.
None of this work involves the Waukivory Pilot Program, which remains suspended.