For over 30 years Greg Houston Plumbing (GHP) has provided design and installation of water services, sanitary plumbing and drainage systems of all installation types and difficulty for residential, commercial and industrial projects.
Greg Houston Plumbing provides stormwater drainage systems including on-site detention and storage, heated water services, gas installations, and steam and air installations to a broad range of customers and projects.
A Sydney Water accredited provider
If you’re building, excavating or landscaping near Sydney Water assets, you must receive approval from the corporation before you start work to ensure it won’t damage or limit access to the assets.
Greg Houston Plumbing provides an integrated service to New South Wales’ most recognised builders and developers, who are required to submit their proposal to Sydney Water for assessment, approval, project management and construction.
GHP are the only accredited provider who offer all services “in-house”, managing the process from basic Tap-In applications, through to more complex works that require an accredited Water Servicing Coordinator, Water and Wastewater (Sewer) Designer, as well as Water and Wastewater (Sewer) Constructors for all types of applications. GHP can also carry out internal and external drainage and all required plumbing works.
These accreditations enable Greg Houston Plumbing to simplify a sometimes complicated process for its customers when working with Sydney Water by providing an integrated system of services, including:
- Basic – Tap-In Sydney Water Building Plan Approvals
- Non Basic – Sydney Water Building Plan Approvals (building over/adjacent to a Sydney Water asset)
- Payment of Sydney Water fees, including plumbing and drainage for the Department of Fair Trading
- Inspections
- Section 73 Applications, project management and certificates
- Service Protection Reports (formally known as Peg Outs)
- Sewer encasements
- Pier and encasement inspections
- Water and sewer project management, design and construction
- Domestic, industrial and commercial plumbing
Greg Houston Plumbing also maintains a customer focused OHS, Quality and Environmental Management system, planned and developed to comply with the requirements of AS/NZS 4801/ISO 18001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Management Systems Requirements.G
This partner content is brought to you by Greg Houston Plumbing. For more information, visit