
The Australian Pipelines and Gas Association (APGA) challenged the recommendation of the Senate Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Queensland Government Administration related to Commonwealth Government Affairs, to conduct a Royal Commission into the State’s coal seam gas industry.

“This report ignores the comprehensive reviews of the science and regulation of the coal seam gas industry,” the APGA Chief Executive, Ms Cheryl Cartwright, said.

“The call for a Royal Commission into the industry ignores the independent reviews completed in 2014 by the NSW Chief Scientist into coal seam gas activities and the Northern Territory review into hydraulic fracturing,” Ms Cartwright said.

“The science is in and these reviews found that the risk of unconventional gas extraction can be managed by sound regulation and professionalism from the operators involved,” she said.

“The regulation of the industry has improved in recent years with government agencies refocused on studying and monitoring the effects on groundwater and the environment.”

“Many landholders welcome the CSG industry. Delaying in the supply of gas will not help the Australian economy, particularly the manufacturing sector.”

“Advocating the shutdown of the CSG industry on purely ideological grounds is not in the nation’s interests.”

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