AS/NZS 61439 is a series of standards for low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies, and helps address the need for portability between Australia and international suppliers. With the release of AS/NZS 3000 amendment 2 – also known as “the wiring rules” – it mandates the use of AS/NZS 61439 series for switchboard assemblies from May 2021.
How can you make sure you’re compliant?
NHP’s CUBIC modular switchboard systems and Concept distribution panelboards will ensure you are compliant with the new standards.
Cubic modular switchboard systems
The NHP CUBIC modular system is based on the concept of efficiently using standard parts to construct a tailored switchboard to achieve your individual project requirements.
CUBIC possesses a deep knowledge of the new IEC 61439 standard thanks to its representation on the IEC committee as the only switchboard company independent from a switchgear brand.
CUBIC modular switchboard systems provide benefits such as:
- Maximised on-site health and safety with arc fault containment and fully insulated busbar options
- Minimised downtime by using demountable or fully withdrawable options
- Robust design for longevity – tested for seismic zone and high vibration installations
- Rapid retrofits and upgrades without the need for cutting or welding. Future modifications will always be possible thanks to no parts obsolescence
- Choice of accredited assembly manufacturers while maintaining a site standard
- CUBIC modular switchboard systems allow you to enjoy the long-term peace of mind via a sustainable solution from a worldwide system with a proven track record.
Concept panelboard solutions
Concept panelboards offer value-add solutions that are built to your specifications based on standard Concept panelboard design. NHP has an extensive range of Concept panelboard models in stock, allowing for a quick turnaround if you need that panelboard urgently.
NHP’s XPD software allows these designs to be drawn up quickly, further improving the turnaround time from enquiry to supply. Some of the standard off-the-shelf configurations consist of:
- IP40 Concept One, IP42 Concept Plus, IP66 Concept Premier
- Grey or orange colours
- 24-96 way
- Main switch options: none, 160A, 250A, 400A isolators or up to 200A MCCB
- Single or dual metered
- Extra row
- Accessory modules
- Standard or isolation chassis
- Advanced RCD testing retrofit solutions
Staying within the scope of the design
One important feature with the 61439 series of standards is that the complete assembly is verified to comply. If you start to make additions or alterations to the design, then the person doing this works takes on the responsibility for this altered design and needs to ensure the updated assembly is verified to comply with the 61439 standard – the original manufacturer is no longer responsible.
With the Concept panelboard range, there are several additions or alterations that can be completed to a catalogued configuration so that the assembly still complies to the standard.
This partner content is brought to you by NHP Electrical Engineering. For more information on NHP’s 61439 compliance package or other SMART power distribution solutions, please call your local NHP account representative on 1300 NHP NHP or email