Water infrastructure planning and delivery specialist Mike Axton has been appointed Technical Director, Water Services, at Aurecon. He will work closely with other senior managers at Aurecon to deliver sustainable outcomes and client service excellence across the company’s broad client base.
Aurecon’s Unit Manager for Water Services in Sydney, Brian Horton, said that the appointment was driven by significant growth within Aurecon’s water business in Sydney.
Prior to joining Aurecon, Mike worked on the New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment’s Growth Infrastructure Plans, providing trusted advice, project management, and leadership to their infrastructure strategies and programmes team.
Mike was previously the project manager on Sydney Water’s award winning Lane Cove wet weather overflow abatement project, which was recognised for its innovative approach to community involvement and public participation.
“As a chartered civil engineer and accredited project management professional, Mike brings a wealth of experience in Australia and overseas, having worked with clients in the public water sector and other water related markets such as land infrastructure.”
“Mike will focus on integrating and aligning our teams with our clients’ business drivers to deliver the best project outcomes,” Mr Horton said.
Aurecon is currently assisting water utilities across Australian capital cities with the delivery of infrastructure projects in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, and the Northern Territory.
Aurecon provides a full range of integrated, multidisciplinary engineering, management, and technical services that address every element of the water cycle.