The Ixom 2017 Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition was conducted on 18th October 2017 in the Brisbane Street Mall in Launceston, Tasmania, where the community of Launceston helped determine the best tasting tap water in Australia
Over 150 participants sampled the water from five states, and it was a sample from Queensland’s Mt Kynoch Water Treatment Plant that recieved the most number of votes, and was duly recognised and awarded the prize.
The 2017 State Champions
The winning sample was up against other samples from Ixom Water Taste Test state winners which were decided at events througout 2017.
State winners included:
Water provider: Icon Water
Treatment facility: Mt Stromolo Water Treatment Plant
Water provider: Toowoomba Regional Council
Treatment facility: Mt Kynock Water Treatment Plant
- SA
Water provider: SA Water
Treatment facility: Morgan Water Treatment Plant
Water provider: TasWater
Treatment facility: Lake Fenton Scheme
Water provider: Goulburn Valley Water
Treatment facility: Merrijig Water Treatment Plant
Although competition is tough, this event is a celebration of the fact that some of the best tasting and safest water in the world is produced right here in Australia by people who have a great passion for their jobs. The competition puts a spotlight on the friendly rivalry among water providers and their operators who continually produce high quality, safe, drinking water for their communities.
WIOA – Chief Operations Officer, Craig Mathisen, said, “No one writes about high-quality drinking water that everyone drinks 365 days a year and no one gets sick from, so WIOA has decided to try and shed some light on what has been for too long, a bit of a hidden industry. We see the operators of the facilities as people who work in public health who daily put quality food on the table of our communities around the country.
“Generally, if you ask people on the street where their water comes from, they’ll just say it’s from the tap. But there’s a lot that happens to that water before it gets there, and this is our way to honor the hard work of those people who ensure the best water coming from the tap every day.”
The Queensland sample from the Mt Kynoch Water Treatment Plant will now go on to represent Australia in an international competition to be held in February 2018 in the US.