Trenchless technology will be used to install a new sewer main in Cairns as part of a $3.23 million project, one of the largest projects of its kind in Australia.
Cairns Regional Council will feed more than 300m of 1m diameter polyethylene sewer main pipe into an underground borehole along Sheridan Street outside the sports precinct at North Cairns.
Cairns Mayor Bob Manning said the project utilised cutting-edge trenchless technology that meant minimal disruption to the surrounding sporting facilities.
“By using an advanced drilling process to tunnel an underground passage for the pipe, we don’t need to excavate large sections of parklands and disturb the area around the refurbished Tobruk Pool,” Mr Manning said.
“Instead, the pipe is fed through a borehole opening approximately 14m below ground, meaning the surface stays intact. It also means we can install the pipe below other existing services without any disruption to those services.
“We’ve been informed that this will be the longest trenchless installation of a pipe this size in Queensland and the third largest of its kind in Australia.”
Water and Waste Committee Chair Richie Bates said the new 1m diameter pipe would substantially increase the capacity of the sewerage system to meet the demands of a growing population.
“The existing pipe is about 50 years old and in need of replacement,” Mr Bates said.
“The new pipe is 22cm larger in diameter and able to move 611L of wastewater per second.
“As well as providing increased capacity, this project significantly reduces the risk of failures and environmental issues that can be associated with older infrastructure.”
About 340m of pipe will be pulled through the borehole tomorrow at a depth of 14m. The full 480m sewer main is expected to be fully installed and connected in October 2016.