Canberra’s newest suburb Jacka could be host to a community-scale battery, following government investment from the Australian Capital Territory, which has since released Expressions of Interest for initial works under a two-stage tender.
Territory Minister for Housing and Suburban Development, Yvette Berry, said construction for the new suburb would prioritise sustainable initiatives and renewable energy.
“The Australian Capital Territory has become a national leader on climate action, and now we are making it as easy as possible for Canberra households to benefit from the shift to a low emission technology,” Ms Berry said.
“Building Jacka – one of Canberra’s newest suburbs – as an all-electric, solar-powered suburb, will save residents money and set the example of how our future suburbs will be powered.”
Jacka’s next stage of development will feature approximately 700 single residential and multi-unit homes and a local centre.
Residents of all dwellings will be encouraged to have rooftop solar, and excess energy could be stored locally in a community-scale battery.
A successful tender could lead to Jacka being even less reliant on fossil fuels, leading Canberra towards creating zero emissions suburbs.
Expressions of interest applications are open until 17 January 2023. More information is available at
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