Power and Water Corporation’s new Leanyer Zone Substation (NT) is currently being connected to the area’s distribution network prior to commissioning works starting.
Works at Casuarina Zone Substation will allow for construction of the new 66kV indoor switchroom. These works will take place from 26 September through to 5 October and then 9 to 10 October 2015.
A program of ongoing upgrades to the network is part of Power and Water’s commitment to improve the capacity, flexibility and reliability of the electricity system, General Manager Power Networks, Mr John Greenwood said.
“The Leanyer Zone Substation, located near the Leanyer sewage ponds, is designed to reinforce the existing network and ensure longer term security of power supply as development continues in the northern suburbs.
“Power and Water has a window of opportunity now to complete these essential works; the school holidays bring lower system demands and the storm season is still a little way off.
“All major works bring challenges and a chance of power interruptions. Connecting the new Leanyer Zone Substation requires the de-energising of parts of the network so that our teams can work safely. This in turn means that the system supplying the northern suburbs is more vulnerable to unexpected events.
“Should something such as a car accident damage infrastructure, we will have a reduced capacity to reroute the electricity supply and power interruptions will result.
“However, similar to the replacement of three 132kV circuit breakers at Hudson Creek earlier this year, we are working to mitigate any risks and have a range of contingencies in place such as switching electrical load to other lines to supply the northern suburbs.
“Power and Water wants to reassure customers in the northern suburbs that throughout the works’ progress, we will do everything possible to avoid any inconvenience and should a power interruption occur, we will restore electricity supply as quickly as possible.
“We thank customers for their understanding and patience while these essential substation works are undertaken,” Mr Greenwood said.
Following connection of the Leanyer Zone Substation into the network, the commissioning stage will begin. The substation is expected to be fully operational in mid-2016.
Works at the Casuarina Zone Substation on 9 and 10 October, which forms the second part of these works, will allow for construction of the new 66kV indoor switchroom.