The Queensland Government has released a draft strategy for the management of the Cape York Peninsula’s water resources for public comment.
The new strategy aims to deliver secure and sustainable access to water for all sectors of the Cape York communities.
“The draft strategy outlines a robust and fit-for-purpose water allocation and management framework for the Cape York region,” said Qld Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Andrew Cripps.
“We have established an approach that will support the growth of a four pillar economy in Queensland through strengthening each of the pillars; tourism, agriculture, resources and construction.
“This approach will allow industry to gain access to water resources in a responsible and productive way.
“The draft strategy has been released to complement the development of the draft Cape York Regional Plan and proposes initiatives for a secure and sustainable future for the use of Cape York’s water resources.”
Mr Cripps said the strategy would support water related development opportunities for industry and safeguard future community water supply needs.
“Under the Water Act 2000, a water resource planning process for the Cape will commence, involving the simultaneous development of a Water Resource Plan (WRP) and a Resource Operations Plan (ROP),” he said.
“Interested members of the community have until 25 March 2014 to make a submission on the draft strategy and I encourage those people to have their say on the management of water in Cape York.”
The draft Cape York water strategy covers the Archer, Coleman, Ducie, Embley, Endeavour, Holroyd, Jacky Jacky, Jardine, Jeannie, Lockhart, Normanby, Olive-Pascoe, Stewart, Watson and Wenlock basins.
The strategy is available on the Department of Natural Resources and Mines website