NBN Co construction executive general manager Richard Thorpe is leaving the company, it has been reported. The departure was announced in an internal email sent by COO Greg Adcock and seen by a number of news sources including the Australian Financial Review. “I regret to inform you that Richard Thorpe, NBN Co’s EGM Construction will be leaving the company,” Mr [...]
Aurora proposal pushes for overhead NBN
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
In a recent meeting with the Senate Select Committee on the NBN in Hobart, Michael Larkin, general manager, service delivery at Aurora Energy, and group manager, strategic and government, Sean Terry, discussed the company’s proposal to use aerial, rather than underground, infrastructure for the Tasmanian rollout. The proposal, which suggests that the NBN could be rolled out at a lower [...]
NBN Co chooses satellite provider
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Projects, Telecommunications 0
NBN Co has selected Optus to provide tracking, telemetry and control services for the company’s two purpose-built satellites. These satellites aim to deliver high speed broadband across rural and remote Australia where fibre connection is not possible. The five year contract, with options to extend for up to 15 years, was awarded following a competitive tender. Under the contract Optus [...]
The latest reports on the NBN rollout show that progress slowed somewhat over the last month, with fewer new areas connected to the network, due to the construction industry shut-down period. Nevertheless, some work still occurred with further premises passed by the NBN in areas already under construction and works beginning in Modbury, South Australia and Shepparton, Victoria. Recent figures [...]
NBN: the state of play
Staff Writer Civil Construction, Features, Land access, Projects, Telecommunications 0
By Michelle Goldsmith The National Broadband Network is the largest and most ambitious infrastructure project currently being undertaken in Australia. In a digital age, the NBN will eventually impact upon the lives of most Australians. However, much is still uncertain about the project and the information can be difficult to find and obscured by speculation. In this article, we seek [...]
NBN need highlighted as substandard broadband revealed
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Projects, Telecommunications 0
The Federal Government has released a new report entitled ‘Broadband Availability and Quality: Summary Report’ (accessible in PDF format here), which indicates that there are more than 1.6 million premises in the country with very poor or no fixed broadband access at all and further highlighting the need for the NBN. The report is the first of its kind to be [...]
Telcos sign up to new NBN wholesale agreement
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
So far, twenty-seven NBN Co wholesale customers, including Telstra and Optus, have signed the new Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA). This comes after the ACCC accepted NBN Co’s amended Special Access Undertaking in December, 2013. The new WBA will be fully operational from 1 March 2014. NBN Co’s Head of Regulatory Affairs and Industry Analysis, Caroline Lovell said, “The new WBA was [...]
Visionstream to speed up Tassie rollout
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
Visionstream Australia Pty Ltd has announced that it is accelerating its roll out of the NBN across Tasmania, having undertaken discussions with NBN Co, clarifying the approach for fibre delivery across the State to more than 200,000 premises. Allan Bradford, General Manager NBN Visionstream, says “We look forward to continuing our current work to roll out this important infrastructure and [...]
Further VIC communities connected to NBN
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
Farms, homes and businesses across parts of 17 communities in the Gippsland region of Victoria can now switch to the National Broadband Network. NBN Co’s fixed-wireless network is now available to around 1,450 families and businesses in parts of the following communities: Airly Maffra (surrounds) Stratford Bundalaguah Newry The Heart Cobains Pearsondale Tinamba Fulham Riverslea Tinamba West Longford Sale (surrounds) [...]
Fixed platform and walkways standard released
Utility Journalist Electricity, Gas, Maintenance, News, Telecommunications, Water, Water and Wastewater Treatment 0
Standards Australia has released an updated version of the standard AS 1657 - 2013 ‘Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders— design, construction and installation’. “The publication of this new edition is a result of working with all stakeholders including government and industry,” said Dr Bronwyn Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Standards Australia. “Input from the construction sector and work health and [...]
NBN Special Access Undertaking approved
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accepted NBN Co’s Special Access Undertaking (SAU). The SAU is a key part of the regulatory framework that will govern the prices NBN Co, as a wholesale open access telecommunications network, can charge for the services it supplies to retail telecommunications companies, as well as other terms. The ACCC’s decision follows an [...]
Panel appointed for NBN cost-benefit and regulation review
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, Land access, News, Telecommunications 1
The Federal Government has appointed a panel of experts to conduct an independent cost-benefit analysis of broadband and review of the regulatory arrangements for the National Broadband Network. The panel will consist of Dr Michael Vertigan AC as Chair alongside Ms Alison Deans, Professor Henry Ergas and Mr Tony Shaw PSM as panel members. The panel members bring decades of relevant [...]
NBN Co. has announced that global telecommunications executive Bill Morrow has been chosen to steer the National Broadband Network through the next stage of its development. The Vodafone Australia CEO has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of NBN Co Limited, the company responsible for delivering Australia’s nationwide fixed-line broadband upgrade. He will join the company in the New Year and [...]
NBN releases Strategic Review findings
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, Company news, Features, News, Telecommunications 0
NBN Co has completed the Strategic Review of the National Broadband Network and has delivered the findings to the Government. The analysis of Australia’s largest national infrastructure project has found that the existing fibre-to-the-premises NBN plan may miss its completion date by three years and cost $73bn to complete. The results suggest that the project could be completed sooner and [...]
Strategic review release draws near
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
As the release of the results of NBN Co.’s strategic review draws near, speculation is rife about the state of the rollout and the viability and likelihood of various options for the network’s construction. Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull has assured critics that the results of the strategic review will be released by the end of the year, with some [...]
Newspaper reports alleged NBN internal analysis leak
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
The Age newspaper has reported that according to sources privy to the information in the NBN Co’s upcoming internal analysis report, the Coalition government’s NBN model is unlikely to meet the 2016 and 2019 delivery deadlines and may prove inadequate for the demands on many businesses. The analysis is said to cast doubts over the timing and cost-effectiveness of the [...]
NBN regulation document a step closer to finalisation
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
The Special Access Undertaking (SAU), a document that will decide the way the National Broadband Network is regulated for the next three decades, is a step closer to being finalised. NBN Co has told the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) that it will accept all the variations to the Special Access Undertaking (SAU) that have been proposed by the [...]
NBN to begin rollout acceleration trial
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, Features, News, Telecommunications 0
A pilot program investigating ways to accelerate the rollout of the National Broadband Network is set to begin in early 2014. NBN Co has issued expressions of interest to internet service providers to participate in the pilot, which will roll out fibre-to-the-building in up to ten large office complexes and apartment blocks across the country, comprising up to 1000 individual [...]
South-Perth and Victorian areas switch on to NBN
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
Residential and business premises in a number of areas across areas in Victoria and Western Australia have been connected to the National Broadband Network. In Victoria, regional communities around Shepparton and Benalla can now switch on to the network. NBN Co’s fixed-wireless network is now available to more than 2,350 families and businesses in the following communities: Broken Creek Goomalibee [...]
Three more directors appointed to NBN
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
As part of the Federal Government’s continuing National Broadband Network reforms, three new directors have been appointed to the NBN Co Board. The three new non-executive directors are Mr. Patrick Flannigan, Mr. Simon Hackett, and Mr. Justin Milne. They further enhance the Board’s capabilities and expertise to provide appropriate oversight and guidance to this vitally important national project. NBN Co [...]
NBN receives ACT fibre-to-the-premises deal approval
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
NBN Co has received approval from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to purchase the TransACT-branded fibre-to-the-premise network in the Australian Capital Territory as well as access to other relevant infrastructure. Under the agreement NBN Co will purchase TransACT/iiNet FTTP network for $9 million. The network comprises coverage of approximately 8,500 premises, with network assets currently planned or under construction [...]
Turnbull responds to NBN confusion
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull has made a number of recent announcements in response to controversy and public confusion regarding the state of the NBN rollout. In an interview on Network Ten’s Meet the Press, Mr Turnbull was asked about what kind of connection the 500,000 premises taken off the NBN rollout map in the NBN Co.’s recent progress report [...]
NBN Chief Operating Officer appointed
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
NBN Co Executive Chairman Dr Ziggy Switkowski has announced that Mr Greg Adcock has been appointed to the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO). In his new position Mr Adcock will be a member of the executive committee and report to the CEO. Mr Adcock has spent the past 20 years at Telstra, most recently as the executive charged with [...]
NBN progress report spurs controversy
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
The NBN Co has released its first progress report as required by the Government’s Statement of Expectations to NBN Co. NBN Co plans to release information weekly in this format to show the progress of the rollout as of the previous Sunday. NBN Co has said that variations in numbers from week to week reflect the modular nature of the [...]
Advisory firms chosen for NBN review
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
The consultancies chosen to support the Strategic Review of the rollout of the National Broadband Network have been announced. The company has selected three advisory firms to contribute their services to the review process: Deloitte will provide governance and the program management office services to ensure the Strategic Review fits within the parameters and tight deadline for submission set by [...]
NBN Head of Strategy and Transformation appointed
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
New NBN Co Executive Chairman Dr Ziggy Switkowski has announced the appointment of Mr JB Rousselot to the newly created position of Head of Strategy and Transformation. This role will incorporate the current activities within the Quality group and also the corporate planning, strategy and decision support functions of the office of the Chief Finance Officer. Mr Rousselot will lead [...]
NBN invites experts to assist review
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, News, Telecommunications 0
As part of the Strategic Review of the rollout of the National Broadband Network, NBN Co has issued a request for proposals for consultancy services to support the review process. The invitation has been extended to a select number of consultants. The results of the tender are expected to be announced in the coming weeks. The Strategic Review is being [...]
SA Power Networks responds to NBN claims
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, Company news, Electricity, News, Telecommunications 0
SA Power Networks has responded to suggestions made by The Australian newspaper that the company’s CaMS/NBN work was drawing resources away from the regulated business. SA Power Networks says that The Australian approached them with these suggestions and after several conversations the newspaper forwarded an internal document which involved an IT assessment of the potential impact of CaMS/NBN-related IT work. [...]
Government questions Visionstream’s NBN progress
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, Features, News, Telecommunications 0
Communications Minister Macolm Turnbull has revealed concerns about Visionstream’s progress on the NBN in Tasmania. “As far as we can see no work has been done by VisionStream for at least two months and they have basically downed tools,” Mr Turnbull said. The Minister suggested that work has been stopped in Tasmania for several months. “And at this stage, VisionStream [...]
New NBN Board announced and strategic review launched
Utility Journalist Civil Construction, Features, News, Telecommunications 0
Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull has announced that Dr Ziggy Switkowski has been appointed to the board of the NBN Co as Chairman. He will also serve as Executive Chairman pending the appointment of a Chief Executive Officer to replace the retiring Mr Michael Quigley. The government has asked Dr Kerry Schott and Miss Alison Lansley to continue serving on [...]
Balancing act: future-proofing Australia’s electricity network
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