
The third 132kV circuit breaker at Power and Water Corporation’s upgrade of the Hudson Creek Switchyard (NT) is now energised and in service.

General Manager John Greenwood has said, “These works are the second stage of a long term, wider network upgrades’ plan that commenced in 2014.

“The plan is designed to improve the security and reliability of the 132kV power network.

“Following the success of last year’s works, installation of the three circuit breakers was completed well ahead of schedule and without the need to implement our contingency plans,” said Mr Greenwood.

The process of installing new circuit breakers is challenging and presents considerable risks to the system.

“Power and Water’s Power Networks and System Control and Territory Generation worked together on a meticulous and methodical planning process, which ensured the project was implemented quickly and efficiently and without disruptions to customers throughout the complex installation process,” said Mr Greenwood.

Power and Water remains dedicated to improving infrastructure and delivering safe, efficient and reliable utilities services for Territorians.

Power and Water’s Power Networks’ program of intensive maintenance and upgrades in the Darwin region will continue in 2016.

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