CitiPower Powercor has launched a Directions and Priorities Consultation Paper outlining future plans and priorities for continuing to provide safe and reliable electricity to customers.
The paper outlines how key insights collected through a stakeholder engagement program, along with CitiPower Powercor’s knowledge of the network, future trends and regulatory obligations, are shaping their future directions and priorities.
For the 2016–2020 regulatory control period, investments will be focused on five key areas:
- Protecting customers and the network: Running a safe operation.
- Maintaining cost-effective reliability: Keeping the power on through appropriate maintenance, operations, and policies.
- Growing with Victoria: Providing augmentation of the network where required.
- Networks for the future: Being a facilitator of new technologies.
- Making it easy for customers: Listening to customers’ needs and responding in a timely manner.
Some of the key strategies outlined in the report include continuous asset inspection and maintenance programs, modernising ageing network assets, adapting processes and engagement methods to make it easier for customers to connect, investing in the development of a smarter network incorporating advanced technologies, and greater transparency and more information provided to customers.
Further information can be found in the full report.