Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced a significant investment in Queensland’s dams and water infrastructure.
A re-elected Turnbull Coalition Government will invest $150million to fast-track the feasibility assessment and construction of water infrastructure across Queensland.
Mr Turnbull said the Coalition was delivering on its $2.5billion commitment to building the water infrastructure of the future.
“As the economy transitions and diversifies, agricultural exports are playing a more important role than ever before,” Mr Turnbull said.
“The Coalition is taking action by carrying out the most significant investment in infrastructure in Australian history, including an ambitious water reform agenda, so we can continue to build a strong national economy and create more jobs.”
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce said the Government is expediting the planning work required to get water infrastructure projects shovel-ready.
“Our Government is serious about ensuring water infrastructure gets built as quickly as possible, to help support jobs and growth in regional communities,” Mr Joyce said.
“Today we are announcing $19.8million to fast-track 14 feasibility assessments and business case developments across Queensland.
“We are allocating $2million to complete the Rookwood Weir business case. The Coalition will also provide 50 per cent of the construction costs, up to $130million if the business case meets all the necessary requirements.”
Supporting water infrastructure projects has significant flow on effects. It is estimated the Rookwood Weir will unlock an additional $1billion dollars in agricultural production in the region – doubling the catchment’s current production.
The improved water supply is expected to create in excess of 2100 new jobs in Queensland’s agriculture sector.