
Construction has begun on a 14km pipeline in Victoria – part of the Kyneton North Recycled Water Irrigation Scheme – following a successful approvals process with local councils and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria. 

Led by Coliban Water, the Kyneton North Recycled Water Irrigation Scheme is the final stage of the $17 million Kyneton Solutions Project. 

Coliban’s Chief Officer Assets and Operations, Danny McLean, said the project will boost the region’s capacity for sustainable agricultural production. 

“This pipeline is a fantastic, smart use of recycled water to boost agricultural production in our region, and is a demonstration of our commitment to sustainable and beneficial reuse options for our recycled water,” Mr McLean said.

Following the construction of the pipeline and a foundational reuse site, Kyneton will be able to irrigate more of its surrounding areas.

The recycled water delivered through the pipeline will be Class C water, which is approved by the EPA for use in agricultural irrigation, and will allow the scheme to redirect this product to beneficial use for irrigators. 

“Until this pipeline is complete, and the storage and release model can be balanced, we will continue to manage water at the Plant to avoid uncontrolled releases to the environment,” Mr McLean said.

“Recycled water for community benefit is something that has been used in Kyneton for many years. We use Class B water on the soccer fields and showgrounds, and racecourse as well as the Kyneton Botanic Gardens. This pipeline will add another beneficial use for recycled water in the region.”

Earlier this year, Coliban Water also submitted a Licence Amendment application for the Kyneton Water Reclamation Plant to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

This marked the commencement of a statutory process by which the EPA will consider and decide how water released from the WRP will be regulated into the future.

“A community drop in session will also be held on Monday 8 August between 10am and 1pm at the Kyneton Bowling Club for those wanting to learn more about the amendment process or ask questions, with representatives from both Coliban Water and EPA to be in attendance,” Mr McLean said. 

“The proposed new licence is very different to the current one. It proposes a new measurement location for licence compliance, a complete overhaul of the water quality elements, and changes to the dilution regime.”  

The Licence Amendment application is now available for feedback at until Friday 19 August 2022.

All feedback received during this process will be provided to the EPA for consideration as part of their assessment of the Licence Amendment application.

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