The South Australian Government has commenced consultation on a draft Water Security Statement for the state, outlining which actions are underway to address water security challenges.
The draft statement provides an overview of the state’s water resources, how they are used and strategies to make sure water supplies are secure and reliable into the future.
South Australian Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs, said having an acceptable quantity and quality of water for people, communities, industry and the environment that is affordable now and into the future is essential.
“Past water-related investments in infrastructure and reforms across South Australia have provided high levels of water security for the vast majority of the state’s population,” Mr Speirs said.
“Water availability, however, is projected to decline across the state under a changing climate and there is also increasing demand for water to support growth in agriculture, mining and energy, as well as for growing towns and cities.
“The key challenge now is to build on past investment to ensure all South Australians have adequate water security and to grow the South Australian economy in a sustainable way.
“The draft Water Security Statement considers how we can make sure we have the water we need to support the state’s economic growth targets, a vibrant society and healthy environments.”
The strategic priorities will form the basis for the State Government’s water security program from now until July 2024.
“The Marshall Liberal Government has significantly advanced water security across the state since the 2018 election,” Mr Speirs said.
“We are investing in infrastructure to improve water security in regional areas by building desalination plants on the Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island, and in water supply upgrades for remote regional areas including Yunta, Oodnadatta, Maree, Terowie, Marla and Manna Hill.
“A key new element of our proposed water security program includes the development of targeted water security strategies.
“These strategies will supplement traditional water planning in regions, or for sectors, where there is evidence that a lack of water may limit long-term growth.
“People, communities, industry and the environment all rely on ongoing, reliable and affordable access to water and water security planning will be critical to safeguard our water supplies into the future.
“We would like to hear the community’s thoughts on the draft Water Security Statement.”
Consultation on the draft Water Security Statement is open until 5pm Friday 18 June 2021.
To access the draft statement and provide feedback, go to: