
Darwin’s sewerage system is progressively being upgraded to increase capacity and lessen its impact on the environment.

The closure of the Larrakeyah outfall has seen the diversion of sewage from Darwin’s CBD and Larrakeyah to the recently-upgraded Ludmilla Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The next stages of the project are duplicating the existing rising main that will transport flow from Ludmilla Wastewater Treatment Plant to the East Point Outfall and extending the outfall further out to sea, in order to take better advantage of strong currents and tidal movement.

Work has commenced to construct the 3.2km pipeline which will run from Ludmilla Wastewater Treatment Plant, behind the Waratah Oval and Lake Alexander.

During the construction period the Mangrove Walk and shared northern loop bicycle/walking path located at East point is closed.

The project is part of Power and Water Corporation’s broader Darwin sewerage strategy to increase capacity for a growing population and lessen its impact on the environment.

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