BEEbox energy display devices are being trialled by Power and Water Corporation in 250 homes across East Arnhem Land communities over the next 12 months as the Manymak Energy Efficiency Project’s latest initiative.
Developed specifically for this project and installed at no charge to the householder, the BEEbox displays a daily budget target and a ‘power speedo.’
“The unique BEEbox technology was developed by the Centre for Appropriate Technology through CAT Projects and provides real time feedback to residents about their electricity consumption,” said Power and Water Corporation’s Manymak Project Manager, Sam Latz.
“Householders who opt-in will receive the BEEbox as well as energy efficiency education opportunities and follow-up support delivered by the project’s Yolngu Energy Efficiency Workers employed in each community.”
“The BEEbox gives householders real time information about their energy use so they can make choices about budgeting and managing their own electricity consumption,” Mr Latz said.
Local Milingimbi resident Mr Michael Lawukan has nothing but praise for the project.
“It’s number one for me,” Mr Lawukan said. “These workers came along and talked to me, they will help me save a lot of money and I will have money in my pocket. Every night I check my meter box to see if there is credit and now I can see how much I spend.”
BEEbox stands for ‘Bushlight Energy Efficiency box’ and the first units are being installed in Milingimbi.
The BEEbox consists of a controller installed at the meter box and an inside display unit which is typically mounted to an internal wall. The Manymak Energy Efficiency Project, also known as Dharray Manymakkung Pawaw Ga Gapuw, is a $12.5 million project taking place in six communities in East Arnhem Land with funding from the Australian Government’s Low Income Energy Efficiency Program. Manymak is a word from the Yolngu Matha group of East Arnhem languages and means ‘good’. The communities involved are Milingimbi, Galiwinku, Gapuwiyak, Yirrkala, Gunyangara, and Ramingining.