Energy Networks Australia (ENA) has released its new Energy Vision, describing Australia’s power and gas grids as becoming smarter, more integrated and more efficient as the clean energy transition continues.
The Vision comes in the lead up to the industry’s major conference EN2022 in Brisbane, to be held on the 16-18 of March.
Developed in consultation with networks, consumer groups and energy market bodies, the Vision describes how the nation’s energy networks will work together, and with customers, to help deliver a secure and reliable net zero energy future.
ENA Chief Executive Office, Andrew Dillon, said the Vision highlighted just how important the nation’s energy delivery systems – Australia’s electricity transmission and distribution and gas distribution networks – were to ensuring the country achieved its decarbonisation objectives.
“We already have grid access issues for large renewable generators and challenges managing the solar revolution in some parts of the country,” Mr Dillion said.
“Further investment in electricity networks is required as they become smarter and more dynamic, enabling the much larger share of renewable generation needed to deliver the transition to net zero.
“Our gas networks are decarbonising, working to deliver 100 per cent renewable gas like biomethane and hydrogen for domestic and commercial heating. This will also ensure diversity of supply to back up variable renewable generation and ensure there is enough energy to get through winter.”
Mr Dillon said that to achieve net-zero, Australia must transform the way energy was produced, stored, shared and consumed.
“This will require innovation, new technologies, additional infrastructure, and policy and regulatory reform. Timely investment in networks, especially new transmission, will underpin these possibilities,” Mr Dillion said.
“All Australian governments have committed to achieving net zero targets. We need whole-of-system thinking to ensure we meet these targets in a way that delivers the greatest value to all customers.”