The Queensland Government has appointed a new chair to its publicly-owned electricity service provider, Energy Queensland.
Former Powerlink Board Director, Sarah Zeljko, has been appointed Energy Queensland Chair, following her confirmation by State Premier, Annastasia Palaszcuck.
Ms Zeljko has previously held professional non-executive director and governance Board roles for Energy Super, Millovate, Stockyard Beef, LogiCamms and Unitywater.
She previously held roles as General Counsel and Company Secretary for G8 Education, the Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal (WICET), and Cement Australia.
Ms Palaszczuk said Ms Zeljko’s experience across both private and public sectors and her roles in community groups make her an ideal person to lead Energy Queensland.
“A lot has been said in recent weeks about our game-changing Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan and how we are transforming our energy future to a clean, green, renewable one,” the Premier said.
“Like all our energy Government Owned Corporations, Energy Queensland will have a pivotal role in delivering that exciting $62 billion Plan.”
“I welcome Sarah Zeljko as the new Chair of Energy Queensland to help lead that transition.”
Ms Zeljko replaced inaugural Chair of Energy Queensland, Phil Garling, from October 1 2022.
Mr Garling was first appointed following the merger of Energex and Ergon Energy in 2016.
The Government thanked him for his leadership of the business through a period of immense change and upheaval in the energy market.
Queensland’s Minister for Energy, Renewables, and Hydrogen, Mick de Brenni, said Ms Zeljko would provide leadership during a critical time for the energy sector.
“Ms Zeljko’s experience and background make her the best choice to lead Energy Queensland during our energy transformation, which will see it respond to the changing demands, and objectives of consumers both large and small,” Mr de Brenni said.
“Energy Queensland is at the forefront of delivering the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, and I’m confident that Ms Zeljko will help manage the organisation’s evolution, as Queenslanders’ energy needs also evolve.”