Some of Australia’s most respected engineering and climate experts will headline the 2023 Climate Smart Engineering Conference, (CSE23), Engineers Australia’s flagship event to be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 29 and 30 November 2023.
The CSE23 plenary and technical programs will bring the latest in world-leading views and engaging debate on solutions to address climate change, responding to extreme events, biodiversity loss, boosting the circular economy and upholding the principles of sustainable practices in engineering.
Five CSE23 plenary sessions you won’t want to miss
• Calling for engineers to work on the largest economic transition since the dawn of agriculture
Dr. Alan Finkel AC, former Chief Scientist of Australia
• Navigating transition and transformation in all parts of our economies
Zoe Whitton, Managing Director and Head of Impact, Pollination
• The crucial role of technology and innovation on the path to net zero
Larry Marshall, former CEO of CSIRO
• The circular economy as an accelerator
Lisa McLean, CEO, Circular Australia Prof John Thwaites AM, Chair, Monash Sustainable Development Institute and Chair, Climateworks Centre
• The engineering mindset – making change happen
Eytan Lenko, CEO, Boundless Earth
Join Engineers Australia for the must-attend sustainability conference 2023. Connect with like-minded professionals and explore the latest solutions to pave the way for net zero emissions in Australia.
Climate Smart Engineering Conference 29 – 30 November 2023 | Melbourne
To view the full CSE23 program and to register, visit
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