
As the need to strengthen water networks rises due to increasing urbanisation and the impact of climate change, effective pressure management is becoming indispensable.

Pressure regulating valves (PRVs) can combat non-revenue water by preventing unnecessary mechanical stress and improving the longevity of networks with modern materials, a simple construction, and digital functionality.

Every year, utilities worldwide lose 126 billion cubic meters of water and $39 billion in revenue. From a business perspective, this is classified as non-revenue water (NRW) due to the discrepancy between the volume of water that is introduced into a water network and the volume that is actually billed to customers.

In many cases, NRW is caused by physical losses such as inadequate pressure management or the material and age of the pipes which can lead to leakage pipe bursts.

Neoflow by GF piping systems

As a response to current challenges in the water sector, Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems has developed NeoFlow, the company’s newest pressure regulating valve.

NeoFlow is designed to prevent over-pressurised pipes by ensuring an accurate and stable flow, as well as increased flow capacity. Thanks to its axial flow construction, the valve does not require an actuator stem or diaphragm and only consists of three primary components.

Crucially, the valve is also less prone to cavitation damage. With a very compact polymer body, NeoFlow is corrosion-free and, in combination with its mechanical simplicity, has significantly longer maintenance intervals than metal alternatives.

As the newest generation of PRV, the valve is also fitted with an integrated pilot valve that allows parameters such as flow and water quality to be monitored and controlled with additional equipment.

Award winning project – a complete network overhaul in Australia

Mer Island in the Torres Strait at the very northern end of the Great Barrier Reef is home to 500 people. Previously, the community only had access to water for three to six hours a day as the highly volatile network could not meet demand and was difficult to operate and maintain.

As a result, losses were significant, and a proactive approach to preventing water loss was urgently required in order to scale up supply while meeting local logistical challenges. To achieve a rapid reduction in disruptions and establish an ongoing, reliable supply, the decision was made to overhaul the network.

Neoflow is the newest generation of pressure regulating valves by gf piping systems (cross-section).

NeoFlow pressure regulating valves were chosen to equip new pressure supply zones and could be installed by local operations teams following online training. The two new pressure supply zones formed a basis for advanced pressure controllers.

Once the system was up and running, the network could immediately operate at the calibrated target pressure, with volatility a thing of the past.

Within the next four to six weeks, levels at the rain-water catchment and water storage lagoons reached nearly 100 per cent, while expensive and energy-hungry portable desalination units could be switched off.

The community of Mer Island now has access to round-the-clock water for the first time in 20 years. Mer Island project won the Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (Regional) of Australian National Water Awards 2022.

This sponsored editorial is brought to you by GF Piping Systems. For further information, please visit

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