
Link-Seal mechanical pipe seal penetrations is a non-corrosive system, which provides long-term leak protection and structural integrity. They can be used in combination with Century-Line Sleeves, Cell-Cast Discs and other products.

For more than 20 years, Projex Group has been supplying the Link-Seal system to major infrastructure projects across Australia. These include gas plants, oil refineries, hospitals, and water and waste treatment plants where the sealing of the penetrations is extremely critical and of the highest importance.

Link-Seal mechanical seals are Australia’s premier method for sealing pipes; their robust design is specifically formulated to withstand attack from ozone, sunlight, water and a wide range of chemicals.

The Link-Seal system has no down time on curing and unlike most grouts, foams, epoxy’s or cementitious products, it does not shrink whilst curing and requires no maintenance afterwards.

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