Evoenergy has submitted its revised gas network five-year plan (Revised GN21 plan) to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), following the release of the AER’s draft decision in November 2020.
Evoenergy’s revised plan largely accepts the regulator’s draft decision for its gas network for the 2021–26 access arrangement period, but provides a revised demand forecast to reflect updated and new information, as well as developments in the ACT Government’s climate change policy settings.
Evoenergy said one of these revisions has been to reflect the results of a customer survey it conducted to learn more about residential gas usage, and how it is likely to change over the next five years and beyond.
The revised plan would allow Evoenergy to work towards a responsible transition to net-zero emissions by 2045, while continuing to provide safe and reliable gas services and delivering gas network charges that will increase in line with inflation over the five years to June 2026.
Evoenergy said it was grateful to the community for their ongoing engagement on its gas plan and encouraged everyone to have their say on the draft decision and revised plan. The AER is inviting submissions until 17 February 2021. It is expected to publish its final decision at the end of April 2021.
For more information about the AER’s draft decision and Evoenergy’s revised plan, click here, or to find out more about the gas network access arrangement review process, click here.