
Seqwater has commenced releases out of Bromelton Dam, QLD. This water is to be utilised for irrigation and will ease the strain on Maroon Dam.

This is the first time releases have occurred from Bromelton Dam since the asset was constructed in 2008.

Seqwater Chief Executive Officer, Peter Dennis, said the releases out of Bromelton were reducing the normal releases out of Maroon Dam, which provides both irrigation and drinking water.

“Irrigators upstream of Bromelton Dam will continue to receive their water allocation from Maroon Dam, while those downstream are now receiving allocations from Bromelton Dam,” Mr Dennis said.

“Irrigators will not notice any change to their service. The releases do however help us more efficiently manage our bulk water supplies in the Scenic Rim area.”

“The releases out of Bromelton will reduce the take on Maroon by up to 45% and help conserve the storage as we head into summer.”

Mr Dennis said Bromelton Dam was currently releasing at 20 megalitres per day into the Logan River.

“Late November, the releases will increase to 100 megalitres per day in support of environmental studies being conducted by our scientists,” he said.

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