Victorian Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville, recently announced $2.6million in funding to upgrade faulty septic tanks in Blackwood.
The wastewater management funding will replace or upgrade faulty septic tanks that have been identified through an audit in the Blackwood area, conducted by Moorabool Shire Council.
The audit found that, while about three quarters of septic tanks in and around Blackwood had no issues, the remaining 24 per cent had faults ranging from cracked lids to major failures.
In 2014, a commitment was made by former Shadow Minister for Water, Martin Foley, to bring key agencies together to find a solution for Blackwood’s wastewater issues.
The result was a group made up of the Moorabool Shire Council, local water authorities and State Government agencies who combined to create the Blackwood Localised Septic Program.
The program provides support, including planning assistance, to owners of blocks who are looking build on their land and will need to install an on-site wastewater system.
Ms Neville, said, “I am pleased that we are delivering on the commitment made before the last election – to fully understand the challenges with wastewater in Blackwood and work with the community to get the best outcome.”
Member for Macedon, Mary-Anne Thomas, also is looking forward to the project being implemented after such a long process.
“Under the solution we’ve reached, residents will have a low cost and effective outcome for their properties and there’ll be environmental benefits in reducing leakage of wastewater,” Ms Thomas said.