
The Member for Mount Isa (QLD), Rob Katter has said that he is hopeful a decision will soon be made regarding the gas transmission pipeline from the Northern Territory to run through Mount Isa and out to the East Coast.

“I met with APA Group yesterday to discuss the possibility and I am hopeful a decision would be made that is favourable to Mount Isa,” Mr Katter said.

“I will work with the Mayor and State Government to ensure Queensland does everything in its power to make us the preferred option.”

In February this year, APA announced a commitment of up to $2m to undertake a two year feasibility study for the development of a gas transmission pipeline to link APA’s existing pipeline system in the Northern Territory and the east coast.

Mr Katter said the focus of the feasibility study is to identify the most efficient and commercially viable link with the east coast grid.

“We have a strong case for the link to go through Mount Isa; there is a distinct advantage as it is 400 km shorter than the alternative route through Moomba, and we have an existing rail line to deliver the construction materials.

“It would certainly benefit the region if that was APA’s decision,” Mr Katter said.

“Initially it would mean jobs in terms of construction of the pipeline, but most importantly it would give us the opportunity for a secure gas source for the region.

“Currently we are isolated in terms of energy; we have to produce our own electricity.

“We are 100% reliant on gas for base lode power in the North West.”

Mr Katter said the pipeline would mean increased supply to the network which would benefit local industry.

“Bearing in mind there is a massive national undersupply in gas following the commissioning of the LNG plants, this expansion and the pipeline becomes critical, not just for our region but for the whole of Queensland.”

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