The Australian Energy Market Commission’s Reliability Panel will hold a stakeholder workshop in Sydney on Wednesday 18 February from 10am to 1pm as part of its review of the template for generator compliance programs.
The template aims to provide assistance and clarity to stakeholders, particularly generators and the Australian Energy Regulator, on what constitutes good electricity industry practice with respect to performance standards compliance.
The Panel’s review looks at whether the template it finalised with stakeholder input in June 2012 remains consistent with recent changes to the National Electricity Rules, technologies, performance standards and compliance methods.
Interested stakeholders are invited to attend the workshop at the AEMC office in Sydney to provide their input about the application and value of the template.
The workshop is part of the AEMC’s commitment to engage with stakeholders on energy market development issues and follows the Panel’s engagement to date, including release of an Issues Paper which closed for submissions in December last year.
Outcomes from this workshop, as well as submissions to the Issues Paper, will be used to inform the Panel’s draft recommendations in its review of the template, which will be published in a draft report on Thursday 26 March 2015.