The Queensland Government is holding public information sessions for residents, industries and producers to discuss their draft water plan for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and other regional aquifers.
Anyone with an interest in the GAB will be able to hear firsthand about the plan.
“The draft plan aims to safeguard the water supply for current and future users and protect groundwater flows to springs and watercourses,” said Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources, Dr Anthony Lynham.
“These sessions are an opportunity to find out how the proposed changes may affect individual landholders or the resource as a whole.
“The Palaszczuk Government is committed to listening to the views of stakeholders, and community feedback through these sessions is an important part of that.
“The feedback obtained through these sessions and via the public submissions is vital in forming this plan, which will provide the framework for the sustainable management of Queensland’s Great Artesian Basin and other regional aquifers.”
The draft Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers Water Plan will replace the Water Resource (Great Artesian Basin) Plan 2006 (GAB WRP) which will expire on 1 September 2017.
Written submissions are being accepted until 17 April 2017. Submission forms are available on the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) website and can also be submitted here.