
Water Corporation’s construction of Australia’s first full-scale groundwater replenishment scheme in Craigie (WA) is progressing well, following funding of $44million from the 2015-16 State Budget.

Western Australian Water Minister, Mia Davies, visited the site in Craigie, which plays an important role in the State Government’s ‘Water Forever’ plans to secure water supplies for Western Australia’s drying climate.

“This innovative scheme will provide another secure, rainfall-independent water source for the rapidly growing population in Perth,” Ms Davies said.

“Work has begun on the construction of the advanced water recycling plant, which is where the process of groundwater replenishment is undertaken. This plant will initially be able to recharge up to 14billion litres of water each year and can be expanded to 28billion litres when needed.”

Groundwater replenishment is the process where treated wastewater is further treated to drinking water standards and then recharged into an aquifer for later use as a drinking water source.

The Minister commended the residents of Perth for their support of groundwater replenishment and recognising the important role it played in their water future.

“The Water Corporation carried out its most extensive community engagement to date throughout the three-year groundwater replenishment trial, bringing the community on board with the journey and why it is so important,” she said.

“More than 11,000 people toured the site of the trial and overall public support for the full-scale groundwater replenishment scheme remains steady at about 73 per cent.”

Fact File

  • The estimated total cost of the groundwater replenishment scheme is $124.6 million
  • A comprehensive tendering process for the contract saved $24 million by building the first two stages at once
  • Work started in October 2014 and should be completed by late-2016
  • When construction is completed, the community will again be able to tour the advanced water recycling plant to continue education about this important water source
  • Ultimately, groundwater replenishment could supply up to 20 per cent of Perth’s drinking water needs

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