Coliban Water, VIC has appointed Redline Mining and Infrastructure Pty Ltd, a multidisciplinary civil engineering company who specialise in pipeline construction, as the contractor for the installation of the new rural pipeline system for the construction phase of the Harcourt Rural Modernisation Project.
Jeff Rigby, Managing Director Coliban Water, said this was the final contract to be awarded for the $40 million project.
“There were four separate project contracts to be awarded, with each contract specific to a key element of the project – the supply of pumps, the supply of large diameter pipes, construction of the system’s balancing tank and the pipeline and pump station construction.
“With this announcement, all contracts are now finalised and in place to enable the project to proceed on the ground.
“Redline has extensive experience in pipeline construction, delivering major projects in both New South Wales and Queensland, and through the competitive tendering process demonstrated their capability to undertake the works at Harcourt,” Mr Rigby said.
“We commenced the delivery of pipes to our material storage site in December last year. These deliveries are now scheduled to be completed in February.
“We are expecting Redline to be onsite in March, with pipeline construction to commence in the weeks following. We are aiming to have the project completed by October this year,” Mr Rigby said.
The Harcourt Rural Modernisation Project will provide rural customers in the Harcourt area with a year round pressurised supply through a piped system, replacing the aged and now inefficient concrete and earthen gravity rural channel system that has served this region for over 100 years.
“The project will provide greater water security, resulting in improved business certainty for local irrigators in the area,” Mr Rigby said.
The project will replace 65 kilometres of open channels with a new piped water system, saving an estimated 3,000 meglitres of water per year – comprising an estimated 950 megalitres lost from the channel system and a further 2,000 megalitres from water licences that rural customers sold to Coliban Water in 2013.