Icon Water Limited has appointed John Knox to the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Icon Water owns and operates the water and sewerage business in the ACT as ACTEW Water and is a 50 per cent owner of ActewAGL. The appointment follows an extensive national recruitment campaign over recent months.
Icon Water Chairman Dr Michael Easson was pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Knox to the position, acknowledging that he had clearly demonstrated his vast financial and commercial acumen, considerable leadership abilities, and great enthusiasm for the organisation.
“Mr Knox’s appointment follows numerous achievements since he was appointed in the position some 12 months ago as an interim measure,” Dr Easson said.
“His clear abilities, his strong enthusiasm, and his vibrant vision for the business and its future, were stand-out qualities for the CEO appointment,” he said.
“Importantly, Mr Knox has a thorough understanding of the current issues that Icon Water and its energy investment faces and has shown that he is able to energetically lead a stable and focused team to progress our strategic objectives. This long term vision will ultimately serve the Canberra community through the excellent products and services that we will continue to provide.”
“Icon Water is a dynamic organisation with around 400 locally employed staff, an asset base of nearly $3 billion, and a 50 per cent ownership of the ActewAGL energy business, which requires a leader who is able to manage its many complexities. I am confident that John will do an excellent job as CEO,” Dr Easson concluded.