
Icon Water is leading the way in operations and prices according to the National Performance Report 2013-14 released by the Bureau of Meteorology.

First and foremost, the report tells us that Icon Water’s operations are sound and steady, and in nearly all areas are seeing improvements in efficiency and service provision.

Below is a summary of how Icon Water performed (note that Icon Water is identified as ACTEW in the report):

Typical residential bill

Icon Water reported a 9% decrease in typical residential bills. These reductions are due to a combination of price reductions and decreases in average water supplied. The ACT has the fourth lowest typical bill out of 13 Utilities with more than 100000 connected properties.

Annual bill based on 200kL

Icon Water reported the largest decrease in its standardised bill, with a decrease of almost 10 percent driven by the ICRC’s price decrease. Capital expenditure Icon Water showed the biggest decrease, 59 percent, in Capital expenditure. This is due to completion of the enlarged Cotter Dam and the Murrumbidgee to Googong Water Transfer Scheme.

Capital expenditure per property

Icon Water reported the largest percentage (60 percent) and dollar ($532) decrease per property, the decreases were due to decreases in both water and sewerage capital expenditure.

Water main breaks (per 100km of water main)

Icon Water reported the largest decrease in water main breaks – 42 percent

Real losses (L/service/connection/day)

The real losses for Icon Water were at their lowest levels for the last five reporting years.

Percentage of population for which microbiological compliance was achieved

Most utilities reported that 100 percent compliance was achieved. Icon Water has reported 100 percent compliance for the last five reporting years.

Greenhouse Gas emissions

Icon Water continues its decreasing trend in GHG emissions, reporting a decrease of 10 percent from 2012-2013. This is as a result of a multitude of carbon and energy reduction programmes

Sewerage main breaks and chokes per 100km of main and no per 100 properties

All utilities reported increases in sewerage main breaks (per 100km of sewer main) with Icon reporting an increase of 36 percent. The ACT falls into the largest utilities category and is compared with other cities and utilities that have more than 100,000 customers.

The report can be found at

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