EKA CyberLock is an electromechanical master key system providing all the benefits of an access control system without the need to cable. The system can be installed into almost any locking situation ranging from conventional doors to padlocks securing remote assets. The innovative communication and user management options between the administration software and the CyberKeys allow security managers to tightly control and monitor system user access even over the largest geographic areas in the same way as a traditional access control system.
There are five key elements that make EKA CyberLock perfect for securing and managing access to remote sites.
IP68 Padlock
Padlocks provide the physical locking for a large percentage of remote assets. This statement is supported thanks to recent large projects where the locking requirement being a padlock was more
than 75 per cent of all locks required. This means having an “Australia-proof” padlock solution that is strong, solid, durable, and dust, salt, sand and water-resistant. These minimum requirements to handle the Australian environment are a must.
EKA CyberLock have a vast range of padlocks suitable for any application, all of which can be fitted with an IP68 electronic EKA CyberLock cylinder.

Lost keys
Knowing who has keys that can access your assets is paramount to maintaining security and is a risk that needs to be carefully managed. EKA CyberLock manages this risk in many ways, one such way is keys are only authorised to function for short periods of time. This means a lost CyberKey does not have access, so they present no security risk.
One way CyberKeys are updated when required is via a connection to the management software using an app on an electronic device such as a smartphone. The update process is a two-way
connection, the CyberKey downloads new access privileges, is re-authorised to work for the allocated time window and also uploads audit information, making the system virtually real-time.
If a CyberKey is lost, then once the time window is expired the CyberKey is deactivated thanks to the configuration of the system, essentially eradicating the risk of lost keys.
Power source
Ever pondered the cost of replacing batteries in a large number of electronic cylinders or locks (for example 1,000 cylinders) located on a large site such as a university every 12 months? The cost is
significant. Well imagine the additional cost in labour and time if these were securing the assets of a major utility spread over a huge geographical area such as New South Wales.
EKA CyberLock cylinders and padlocks have no battery and are powered by the battery in the CyberKey. This key battery is normally rechargeable even in the car meaning the cost associated with
visiting locks and replacing batteries is eliminated.
Every time a CyberKey is used it creates an audit of the event. This audit is stored in both the CyberKey and the CyberLock. The audit in the CyberKey is the main source of information. The audit in the CyberLock is a backup should an event occur such as a CyberKey is lost or disposed of to mask some suspicious activity. The audit aids security administrators to investigate suspicious activity however there are many other uses, such as to verify a contractor has visited a remote site or if a staff member is trying to access areas they are not authorised to access.

There is a place for both traditional access control and EKA CyberLock in access management of remote sites. At the head office access points that are easily cabled traditional access control makes the best sense, but the cabled solution does not extend to offline areas or where padlocks are required. This is where EKA CyberLock is a better solution.
The issue this presents however is that two systems need to be administered. This is where integration is required. CyberLock software is perfectly suited to integration with other management systems. This allows the administrator to work with a single dashboard to allocate access to various locations for individual users who may require a traditional access control credential and a CyberKey.
This example is only the tip of the iceberg as the integration can extend to include virtually any software system including those for contractor management, WHS, password management and rostering. There is also possible hardware integration.
One such example is CyberKeys can be managed and allocated using a 20-key vault (electronic key cabinet), where users present their credentials to the vault, which may be their traditional access control card to be issued with a programmed CyberKey, with their customised access profile loaded onto the key.
The user can access CyberLocks with their CyberKey and when finished they return the CyberKey to the vault where it is downloaded, deactivated and charged, ready to be allocated to the next user with their specific access profile loaded.
This partner content is brought to you by Davcor. For more information, visit www.ekacyberlock.com.au.