Industry stakeholders have been involved in the development of a Bill passed in the Legislative Assembly regarding the safety and reliability requirements for energy and water delivery in the ACT.
The Utilities (Technical Regulation) Bill sets out requirements for the utilities that provide electricity, gas, water, and sewerage in terms of their technical performance and compliance with the regulations.
“Recent developments in the provision of sustainable and renewable energy and water have highlighted a need to update technical regulation,” said ACT Minister for the Environment, Simon Corbell.
“This Bill creates a complete and flexible framework for the provision of electricity, gas, water, and sewerage services including electricity generation and transmission.”
“This is particularly important to get right as we increase our solar energy generation to meet our legislated requirements of 90% by 2020.”
“The Bill provides a legislative basis for the current ACT Government Sustainable Energy Policy 2011-2020 by promoting and regulating cleaner energy generation.”
Mr Corbell said technical regulation was necessary to ensure utility networks were safe, efficient, and sustainable into the long-term and resources were effectively deployed to deliver the required performance.
“Regulation will also ensure the safety of utility network employees and the public, and the protection of the environment and any property affected by utility networks.”
“The Bill creates the role of the Technical Regulator within the Environment and Planning Directorate, who will have powers for more practical enforcement of technical regulation,” Mr Corbell said.
The Bill is available to view on the ACT Legislation Register.