The AEMC has called for submissions on a draft rule requiring gas companies to provide more information on their operations to the east coast market. This will contribute to enhanced market transparency.
This rule request from the COAG Energy Council addresses the market development priority to improve how gas is bought and sold, making it easier to get gas to where it is most valued.
The draft rule’s recommendations specifically address information provided to the market via the Natural Gas Services Bulletin Board and responds to concerns that the information currently provided is inadequate to support efficient decision making in an evolving market where gas and pipeline capacity are more actively traded.
The draft rule would require additional information to be reported by gas transmission pipeline, production facility and storage facility operators. The additional information includes outlooks of uncontracted pipeline and storage capacity, more detailed facility data, additional gas flow data and more information on the operation of gas storage facilities.
Stakeholders are invited to make written submissions on the draft rule determination by no later than 12 November 2015.
This rule change process has been conducted in coordination with the ongoing East Coast Wholesale Gas Market and Pipelines Framework Review.