Marinus Link has submitted the first revenue proposal for its proposed transmission project to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which outlines how Marinus Link will ensure recovery of costs for early works and has been released to the public for feedback.
The revenue proposal is a requirement under the National Electricity Rules.
Marinus Link CEO, Caroline Wykamp, said that the proposal ensures that Marinus Link will be ready when the nation needs it most and reduces project risks.
“Marinus Link’s two-way transmission will give customers access to the lowest-cost energy and unlock hydro storage capability,” Ms Wykamp said.
“Importantly, until Marinus Link is commissioned, costs will not be recovered from consumers.”
The AER will commence a thorough review process and hold a public forum on the proposal, with revenue determination expected for 15 December 2023.
Marinus Link is expected to submit a second proposal to the AER for manufacturing, construction and commission expenditure in early 2024.
To see the proposal and make a submission, see the AER website here.
Featured image: Energy grid graphic of Victoria and Tasmania. Image credit: Marinus Link.