Melbourne Water is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced companies for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of mechanical and electrical packaged mini-hydro plants.
There are currently nine installed hydroelectric plants in Melbourne Water’s water supply system. In 2013-2014, a total of 148,855 gigajoules of electricity was exported to the grid from hydro power generation which has resulted in reduced net operating costs for Melbourne Water’s energy and has contributed to the volume of renewable energy generation in the National Electricity Market.
The Stage 2 Mini-Hydro Development will harness excess hydraulic energy which currently exists at five identified Melbourne Water sites in the eastern and south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The five plants will operate within existing Melbourne Water infrastructure, using flows and heads which are currently dissipated by pressure reducing stations or other energy dissipation devices.
Submissions to tender close Wednesday 15 April 2015.