Melbourne Water will be opening tenders for new field service suppliers to support the management and maintenance of water supply and catchment assets. The competitive tenders will open on 6 September 2021, with successful contractors to go on Melbourne Water’s Field Services Preferred Supplier Panel.
Depending on business needs, the new contactors will provide grass maintenance, natural resource management and/or minor maintenance services to support existing field services crews.
Tendered works include:
- Vegetation management
- Tree management
- Large woody weed removal and grooming
- Grass maintenance
- Fire break maintenance
- Litter collection
- Large debris removal
- Asset inspection and condition assessment
- Waterway earthworks and construction
- Water main maintenance
- Tank maintenance
- Fencing
- Pollution, education and jetting
- Drainage repairs
- Roads and footpaths
- Fabrication and steelworks
Information for applicants
- Preliminary tender information is currently available on the Buying Victoria website,
- Applicants are encouraged to review this information and register early in order to submit their tender
- Applicants don’t have to have worked at Melbourne Water before to submit a tender
- Suppliers will be assessed on their ability to deliver safe, reliable and best value services
- Preference will be given to qualified suppliers with experience in the delivery of the necessary on ground field services, and at the same time delivering benefits to the environment and community (Victorian Social Procurement Framework compliance)
- A contract with the term up to five years will be offered to the successful contractors
For further information, please see Tender ATNMW13 at