nbn nearly doubled the wholesale access services it supplies across different access technologies between April and December 2016, according to a report by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).
The ACCC National Broadband Network Wholesale Market Indicators Report for the period ending 31 December 2016, found that:
- nbn was supplying a total of 1,705,270 broadband wholesale access services, an increase of 316,605 (28 per cent) since the last reporting period
- There were 54,829 long term satellite services in operation. Australian Private Networks Pty Limited has the leading market share, followed by Skymesh Pty Limited
- There were 14,551 HFC services in operation. Optus has the most services, followed by TPG and Telstra
- Demand for aggregate network capacity (Connectivity Virtual Circuit) continues to increase with nbn contracted to supply 1,785 gigabits per second, up from 1,535 gigabits per second in October 2016
- The top four acquirers of NBN access services remain Telstra, TPG, Optus and Vocus
ACCC Chairman, Rod Sims, said, “For the first time, this report includes the number of NBN services in operation on HFC and long-term satellite access technologies.
“The inclusion of HFC networks and long-term satellite provides a more detailed picture of the roll out of the multi-technology mix.
“Since the first report in April 2016, nbn has almost doubled the number of wholesale access services it supplies across different access technologies.
“It is interesting to note the development of the long-term satellite market, with four smaller, regionally based retail service providers capturing more than 80 per cent of the satellite market share in remote and regional Australia.”
Mr Sims said while it was still early days in the acquisition of services over the NBN, it was pleasing to note that competitors were making inroads into Telstra’s traditional dominance of broadband services in regional areas.
“The report demonstrates that competitors to Telstra are providing 47 per cent of NBN services to end users in the regions, which is considerably above their traditional share of customers in these areas,” Mr Sims said.
“In metropolitan areas, however, Telstra’s share of NBN services is around their traditional market share.
“The most popular speed tier acquired continues to be 25/5 Mbps. However there has been a large increase in the number of 100/40 Mbps being acquired.”