
NBN has unveiled its first advertising campaign since the company’s recent brand repositioning.

The campaign, which includes TV, comes on back of an expanding rollout footprint and an increase in both the number and rate of people connecting to the NBN network.

Directed at regional Australia, the campaign seeks to promote greater understanding of the benefits NBN network can bring. It is built around one of the key ways individuals, families and the nation can benefit from fast broadband – education.

Chief Customer Officer, NBN, John Simon, said the new visual identity moved NBN from being portrayed purely as a utility function to a visionary brand that is delivering positive benefits for all Australians.

“Our purpose is to close the digital divide and enable greater participation in the digital economy. This campaign builds upon our new visual identity by demonstrating how better broadband can enable people to fulfil their potential.

“Getting people to think about the benefits of the NBN network is also intended to inspire families and businesses to connect. So the campaign really complements the marketing efforts of retail telecommunications companies that are selling NBN packages to consumers.”

Mr Simon said the expansion of the NBN network rollout had made television an effective marketing channel for the company for the first time.

“The rollout is increasing. The number of homes that can connect to the network is increasing. And the rate at which people are getting connected is increasing. In fact, we’re connecting twice as many people each week as we were nine months ago.

“So it makes sense to add to our marketing roster a channel that uses a richer messaging, to drive people to connect and can help us to drive our marketing budget further,” Mr Simon said.

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