The Western Australian Government is opening a Data Science Innovation Hub to provide training and develop skills for Western Australians to take on jobs in the rapidly growing field of data science.
The WA Data Science Innovation Hub will be run in collaboration with Curtin University and run across Curtin’s Perth and Bentley sites to ensure maximum engagement with industry. It will be officially launched in September 2018.
The State Government is providing $800,000 over four years, through the $16.7 million New Industries Fund, for a Business Connector to manage the hub and Curtin University is also providing $800,000 towards the hub over four years.
The hub will provide access to specialised data science capabilities in universities and trained graduates, with upskilling programs for industry, aid in the translation of data science capabilities from the resources sector to emerging sectors, and promote the value of data science in WA.
Industry and stakeholders in the data science community were consulted on the innovation hub to ensure the innovation hub supports WA jobs and benefits the WA economy.