In addition to electrofusion welders that maintain a constant voltage at the fitting, Caldertech Australia’s Caldersafe Mobile technology can collect weld data via emails, which can be integrated into a business’s own quality assurance system.
Caldervale Technology electrofusion welders have been manufactured in the UK for the last 25 years and their reliability and ease of use have made them an industry standard.
Caldersafe mobile data acquisition technology
Caldersafe Mobile® technology uses Bluetooth technology located inside the electrofusion welder to connect directly to a mobile device.
A free, downloadable app provides the operator with simple onscreen instructions to take up to four photographs of a correctly prepared joint and instructs the electrofusion welder to complete the fusion weld.
Once the weld has been completed, the information is transferred from the welder to the mobile device, which automatically sends the data to four email addresses of the businesses choice.
Neither Caldervale Technology nor Caldertech Australia keep any of the weld data records, as their dedicated servers only redirect the information to specified email addresses.
The weld data can then be read from any PC with the Caldersafe Weld Analyser installed – a copy of which comes with every electrofusion welder purchased.
This provides valuable information including if the weld was successful, the name of the operator, which weld mode was used, and the GPS co-ordinates of the fitting. The GPS co-ordinates are taken from the mobile device position at the time the last picture is taken.
This Caldersafe software package is available on Calder Griffon, Calder Pegasus and Calder Proxima Electrofusion Welding Units.
Electrofusion welders
The Caldersafe mobile technology is a new addition to Caldertech’s existing range of electrofusion welders, which are all supplied with three data entry systems that use a barcode scanner, manual entry, and Fusamatic or smart leads to automatically detect the fusion time of fitting.
One of the main reliability features of a Caldervale Technology welder is its ability to maintain a constant voltage at the fitting. The voltage sensing output lead and circuitry ensures stability in the output voltage even with fluctuating generator power. This allows the fitting to be welded at its optimum parameters to provide a good joint.
Caldertech’s Electrofusion Welders range includes:
Calder Griffon
This lightweight welder was released in early 2017 and is capable of welding all major brands of fittings in sizes from 16-200mm. This welder is ideal for service layers and plumbers who need a light welder to use daily on small diameter pipes.
Calder Pegasus
This is a basic welder with high end features that is capable of welding all major brands of fittings in sizes from 16-630mm. It’s simple to use and comes in a robust steel frame and ABS plastic case. Calder Pegasus has been the choice for hire companies and those with a large fleet of welders.
Calder Proxima
This is Caldertech’s flagship model, which uses the latest circuitry capable of welding all major brands of fittings in sizes from 16-1000mm. It’s used by civil construction and mining de-watering teams, as well as all those working with pipe sizes of 200mm and above. The Proxima welder gives the operator a large screen with text style buttons to quickly enter project data for the weld records. It can also be customised to use output leads up to 15m in length.
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