Filtec is pleased to have recently established itself in the Australian Water market. Filtec has an outstanding reputation in New Zealand for the design and construction of small to medium water and wastewater treatment systems for the municipal and industrial market.
Filtec also sells an extensive range of specialised water and wastewater treatment equipment backed by excellent after sales service.
Filtec recently completed Wannon Water’s Casterton water treatment plant (WTP) upgrade using Parkson Lamella® technology to significantly reduce the turbidity load on the existing filters. This has resulted in significantly improved filter run times and treated water quality.
Due to the corrosive nature of the raw bore water, the plant is designed with external paint specifications for a fifty-year life. All internal wetted parts of the Lamella® are of 316SS construction and it was built in Filtec’s own specialist Auckland fabrication facility under licence from Parkson, USA.
Filtec is currently commissioning a four million litres per day GE ultrafiltration plant for the new Fonterra Cheese Factory at Stanhope in Victoria. The turnkey WTP incorporates chemical coagulation, UF, and Trojan UV disinfection technology.
They have also recently commissioned the first Trojan advanced oxidation plant in Australasia for drinking water taste and odour removal (Waihi WTP near Auckland). Utilising hydrogen peroxide and UV treatment to remove geosmin and 2-MIB.
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