
A new, innovative nutrient removal plant has been completed at Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant — where around half of Melbourne’s sewage is treated — increasing capacity and providing an extra 140ml of treated water per day.

While the Western Treatment Plant has two existing nutrient removal plants, this new addition is more energy efficient and built with the latest advanced monitoring and controls.

Melbourne Water’s Manager of the Western Treatment Plant, Martin Bowles, said the additional capacity will support Melbourne Water in meeting the needs of Melbourne’s expanding population, now and into the future.

“Sewage is a valuable source of renewable energy and recycled water, and is contributing to our thriving wetlands. The nutrient removal plant has been designed to minimise the carbon and energy consumed in treatment, enabling the Western Treatment Plant to continue to maximise renewable energy generation into the future,” Mr Bowles said.

“This project is an outstanding example of cutting edge technology and design which will

benefit both the community and the environment, helping to mitigate the energy use required to deliver safe water, remove and treat sewage, and manage the drainage and waterways across Melbourne.”

Planning for this $150 million project began in 2013, and it was delivered between 2017 and 2019 by a joint venture between CPB and UGL with Jacobs as their designer.

Melbourne Water manages Melbourne’s water supply catchments, treats and supplies drinking and recycled water, removes and treats most of Melbourne’s sewage, and manages waterways and major drainage systems in the Port Phillip and Westernport region.

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