
National Water Week, designed to build awareness around the value of water, has begun and it also marks two years of Western Australia’s Waterwise Perth Action Plan.

Launched by the Western Australia Government in October 2019, and led by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, the State’s first Plan provides a strategic, whole-of-government approach to planning and addressing water-related issues associated with urban intensification and the increasing demand for water in the face of climate change.

Over the past two years the Plan, which involves seven partner agencies and multiple industry and community stakeholders, has completed 38 key actions that have helped conserve precious water resources and enhance urban green spaces, while educating and engaging the community and delivering government-led water-sensitive policy, planning and development. 

Western Australia Water Minister, Dave Kelly, said, “The Waterwise Perth Action Plan helps create a clear link between water management and concepts such as urban planning, urban heat, river and wetland health, contaminated soils, public health, recreation, and biodiversity.

 “As we launch into the next two years of the plan and release of the next Waterwise Perth Action Plan, we need to continue the collaborative, whole of government approach as Perth and Peel transition to a city that is truly waterwise and resilient to the impacts of climate change.”

Achievements delivered through the plan include:

  • 300 million litres of water saved through the Leak Assist Rebate Scheme
  • 92 million litres of water saved through the Water-efficient Showerhead Swap Scheme
  • 142.7 million litres of water saved through retrofitting of public housing with water-efficient fixtures
  • 49,000 students participated in the Waterwise Schools Program
  • 84,000 waterwise plants planted across Perth and Peel suburbs
  • 3,500 trees planted across 18 Perth and Peel local governments

The theme of National Water Week this year is Caring for Water and Country, which celebrates the integral role that water plays in our lives and our culture.

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